Web Address Bar (also known as the Navigation Bar)

The Address Bar and the Menu Bar typically appear at the top of your web browser, as seen in the image below. In the image, you will see the Address Bar to the right of two arrows that are pointing in opposite directions. In the address bar, it says 'http://www.shopwithtrust.com/'. Just below the Address Bar is the Menu Bar with the words 'File', 'Edit', 'View', 'Favorites', 'Tools', and 'Help'.

Image of menu and address bars

If you know the address of a web site, you can enter it directly into the Address Bar and then press 'Enter' on your keyboard. If you left click once in the address bar, the full address, 'http://www.shopwithtrust.com/' will be highlighted. You can then start typing the address of a new web site and it will clear the address bar of the original address. The old address will disappear and be replaced by the new one you type into the Address Bar. (Note, if you left click twice on the first web site address, it will no longer be highlighted and will not disappear as you start to type the new address. Thus, if you want to easily delete the first address, just left click on it once before you start typing the new address.)

When you type in the new address, you generally do not need to type 'http://www.' at the beginning. The 'http://www.' will fill-in automatically after you enter the rest of the web address and press 'Enter' on your keyboard.

You should also know that most web addresses end in '.com'. The web sites for non-profit organizations usually end in '.org'. Government web sites end in '.gov'. There are other address endings but these three should represent most of the web sites you visit.

Is your Address Bar missing? If you do not see your Address Bar, select 'View' from your Menu Bar. From the drop down menu, select 'Toolbars'. Then select 'Address Bar' or 'Navigation Bar' depending on whether you are using Internet Explorer or Firefox. If you are using Microsoft's newest web browser, IE7, you will not be able to hide the Address Bar. (For Mac users, select 'View' and then 'Show Toolbar' or 'Show Address Bar' depending on the version of Safari you are using.)

That ends this lesson on using the Address Bar. Now, when someone gives you a web site name to visit or you hear about one on the news, you know how to enter it on the Address Bar. In Lesson 2, you learned about Hyperlinks. Using hyperlinks and using the Address Bar are the two ways to visit new web pages on the internet. If you forget anything along the way, you can always come back to this article by using our 'Quick Access for Beginners' drop-down list in the right column of each page. The drop-down list provides a link to all of the Beginners Lessons. Javascript required.

More Lessons on Internet Help for Beginners
See also Internet Security for Beginners and Email for Beginners

  • Lesson 1: Computer Mouse - How to use it and when to push the buttons
  • Lesson 2: Hyperlinks - How to open a new web page
  • Lesson 3: Back Button - How to return to the previous web page
  • Lesson 4: Windows - How to manage windows on your screen
  • Lesson 5: Web Browser - What are Internet Explorer, Firefox & Safari?
  • Current : Address Bar - How to enter a web address
  • Lesson 7: Web Page vs. Web Site - Learn the difference between the two
  • Lesson 8: Menu Bar - Access to everything you need
  • Lesson 9: Bookmark Favorites - Save your favorite web sites
  • Lesson 10: Drop-Down-Lists - How to make selections on web sites
  • Lesson 11: Javascript - Why some web sites do not work for you
  • Lesson 12: Web-Accessibility - Problems reading web sites

Help Others & Good Luck

Our goal is to make you comfortable using the ever expanding internet. We especially want to reach out to online beginners and let them know it is not too late to get started. As more services, especially free ones, move online, we believe it is important that everyone learn the basics for navigating the internet. Think of a family member or friend who may find this web site helpful and forward it to them today. We wish you Good Luck and an Enjoyable Journey on the Internet.

ShopWithTrust.com also provides easy access to trusted retailers. We keep things simple for you by only listing stores with a long history of name recognition. We would like to be your one stop source for online shopping with stores like Macy's, Target, Walmart, and Best Buy. Thank You and Best Wishes.

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